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It was his tall stance and his pale skin that drew him out of the crowd. “Everybody seems to have it now. ‘Come, come, ma’am,’ he said smiling. “I should like you to come here,” she said. " "Nor Jonathan Wild, I hope," interposed Sheppard. Wood dandled his little charge to and fro, after the most approved nursery fashion, essaying at the same time the soothing influence of an infantine melody proper to the occasion; but, failing in his design, he soon lost all patience, and being, as we have before hinted, rather irritable, though extremely well-meaning, he lifted the unhappy bantling in the air, and shook him with so much good will, that he had well-nigh silenced him most effectually. He could talk to her as frankly as he could to a man, that she would not take offence at anything so long as it was in the form of explanation. I intend to remain very serious indeed while I’m doing it.


This video was uploaded to on 16-09-2024 11:23:29

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